

Since the song is called "TRU LUV" and both words are 3 letters song, It could be interesting to make an ambigram logo to use through-out the video.

An ambigram is a piece of text that can be read both right-side-up and up-side-down. They can be the same word or different words. They are most often written in calliagraphic styles since it makes it easier to obfuscate the extra lines.

I've been working on making an ambigram logo for the music video. I think it would interesting for the reflection of the word "TRU" be "LUV". It could symbolize that the only kind of love is true.

Tru Luv Ambigram sketches

I experimented with the word being being flipped vertically rather than up-side-down. It could be cool for the words to be reflected in water. Computer generated liquid reflections where very popular in the 90's/ 00's as they where a symbol of the future and the technonlogy of the fututre. This could further the "Present in the past" theme.

The track is effectivly finished at this stage. Here's the track:

Structurally the song isn't going to change so i can start planning/ thinking about the music video in more detail.